- Video Codecs and Pixel Formats

CLPL yuv pixel format

This format introduces an extra level of indirection in the process of accessing YUV pixels in the surface. Locking the DirectDraw or DCI CLPL surface returns a pointer which itself points to three other pointers. These pointers respectively point to an NxN Y plane, an (N/2)x(N/2) U plane and an (N/2)x(N/2) V plane. The Y plane pointer retrieved is (allegedly) valid even when the surface is subsequently unlocked but the U and V pointers can only be used with a lock held (as you should be doing anyway if adhereing to the DirectDraw/DCI spec).

  Horizontal Vertical
Y Sample Period 1 1
V Sample Period 2 2
U Sample Period 2 2

Positive biHeight implies top-down image (top line first)

Based on: YV12